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Copy - W - S Futures-Inverted Heads & sholders

WS Bullish H& S

Copy - W - S Futures-Inverted Heads & sholders

WS Bullish H& S

Copy - W - S Futures-Inverted Heads & sholders

WS Bullish H& S

Copy - W - S Futures-Inverted Heads & sholders

WS Bullish H& S

Copy - head and sholder


Copy - W - S Futures-Inverted Heads & sholders

WS Bullish H& S

Copy - W - S Futures-Inverted Heads & sholders

WS Bullish H& S

Copy - W - S Futures-Inverted Heads & sholders

WS Bullish H& S

Copy - W - S Futures-Inverted Heads & sholders

WS Bullish H& S

Copy - W - S Futures-Inverted Heads & sholders

WS Bullish H& S

Jack 15 head sldr
Inverse head and shoulder Pattern daily timeframe for 50 candles

Scan Description: 1. Dividing 50 candles into 3 groups of 20 candles 2. Taking the min from these 3 groups 3. The middle group is the lowest amount these 3 groups Reference Image:

Thursday option future headge at 12.30 p.m to 2 p.m

Thursday option future headge at 12.30 p.m to 2 p.m