Near real-time updates

We now offer near real-time NSE updates for Charts & Scans. The data is updated every 5 minutes, the latest update referring current market values. Data is directly fetched from the NSE servers.

Example: If Market opens at 9:15am, on a 5 minute interval the updates can be described as follows:

  • 9:20am – Data from 9:15am – 9:19am
  • 9:25am – Data from 9:20am – 9:24am
  • 9:30am – Data from 9:25am – 9:29am

The minimum data delay would be 0 minutes(eg: at 9:20am) and the maximum would be 5 minutes(eg: at 9:24am)

183 thoughts on “Near real-time updates”

  1. Great job buddy…you are a great help to retails traders like us…we are really looking for real-time updates and also some kind of sound alerts for our scans in real-time if possible for person who does a full-time job…thank you in advance…

        1. i am not able to run a scan . it says -There was a error in running your scan .

          it was fine until yday

          1. Hello,

            You’ll get pre-market data for the current day’s data starting at 9:09 am, consisting of data until 9:08:59am. Data is updated at 9:09 am in our scans for our Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly & Yearly candles. Note that for Intraday candles(1/2/3…minutes), data would reflect starting 9:15 am.

            Alerts are not sent out before 9.15 am. You will need to manually run the scan and view the results with candles, including pre-market values.

          1. Hello,

            You’ll get pre-market data for the current day’s data starting at 9:09 a.m., consisting of data until 9:08:59 a.m. Data is updated at 9:09 am in our scans for our Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly and yearly candles. Note that for Intraday candles(1/2/3…minutes), data would reflect starting at 9:15 a.m.

            Alerts are not sent out before 9.15 a.m. You will need to manually run the scan and view the results with candles, including pre-market values.

        2. i am premium customer in chart link,

          pre-market data is updated at 9:09am in scans, but i am not getting at 9:09am..

          i getting scans after 9.15, pls solve my problem

          1. Hello,

            Currently, we don’t provide demos as exchange charges high fees for realtime data, also we are dependent on third party services for SMS & Email used in our Alerts. Considering this, we allow full access to our charts & scans for free with delayed data.

  2. great work sir.keep it up .this scanner option was precious..please try to update with realtime …this scanner option helpful for so many traders

    1. Our premium members get realtime data with updates every minute for our Charts & Scans. So if you run a scan at 9:20am for example, it would be based on the latest data until 9:19:59am and so on..

      1. Thanks team ChartInk for real-time data for premium members. Can you please add audible alerts for scans ? That will help further. Thanks.

        1. Hello,

          Thank you for reaching out. Which alerts you are not getting, SMS or Browser Notifications or Email?

          Please share the link/URL of the scan for which you noticed the delay; this could probably be because of a scan misconfiguration which we could investigate and correct. Also, if you have any chart references showing the breakout/alert sooner, please share that as well.

  3. If possible please provide sound alert,this real time data is very useful for who all are using CHARTINK,
    thanks lot to CHARTINK TEAM

  4. Really superb Akash ji,
    This site is most popular among the traders and investors equally. I have 2 suggestions ,(this I have written in email to you about 4-5 months back. 1.please provide trend lines and other tools saving facility
    2. The thinest thickness of line is too much pl make it thin like single hair of a female.

  5. I am very happy to share my views about this site. It’s awesome platform to learn and do new research in real time or EOD…….
    It’s really great

  6. Dear Team ,Very nice work done.

    Only one problem ,website showing under Maintenance .Maintenance issue is more. Please improve it.

    Thanks for provide good website.

  7. Any way to check day’s open and close. In day section we get only latest, 1 day ago, 2…. these option.
    Let me know if I am missing something.

  8. Akash ji,

    Please it’s humble request to chartink team, Please provide BSE & X group stocks scan option, At least give ‘x’ groups scan by watchlist !!!!

    Thank you so much !!!!

  9. We’ll be adding BSE stocks soon, you can create a watchlist and run scans against your watchlist as of now for NSE stocks

    1. +1. Yes 3 minutes would be more helpful to watch the trade and prepared for 5 minutes.
      Do you charge for 1 minute data?

    2. Yes, please add 3 min. Timeframes screener too. the 5 minute is too late and before we scan for the stock, the move is already over most of the time.
      therefore please add 3 min. TF.

  10. Latest Close Greater than NUMBER 5
    Can Someone let me know what is the meaning of the above line….. Thanks in Advance

  11. Sir, Currently Technical screener not screening the stocks accurately as per the conditions set up in filter. Problem s there since yesterday (30/12/17). Please resolve it . Thanks Sir for these great website.

  12. Akash & whoever is behind the site,
    Excellent piece of work. It is all about DATA ANALYTICS, the data is there everywhere but how easy you make analysing the data, the better it would for end users.

    I just started exploring the site.


  13. Could it be possible to get the data of market movement that is shift+F12 on the scrip in ODIN of each scrip on the charts live and after market time…please help me out in this matter..thanks in advance

  14. Akash ji,

    Question: How to set below formula 1 day ago to 30 days ago for eod chart ? tried with filter but not getting, Please tell me which mathematics works here ?

    * 1 day ago open equals 1 day ago low
    * 1 day ago low equals 1 day ago close
    * 1 day ago open equals 1 day ago close

    * 1 day ago high greater than equal to 1 day ago open
    * 1 day ago high greater than equal to 1 day ago low
    * 1 day ago high greater than equal to 1 day ago close
    ( i wish to have 1 day ago to 30 days ago in single formula)

    Thank’s !!!

  15. Please add auto refresh button(auto “run scan” feature). so that it we dont have to press it every single time.

  16. TThere was no Indices in F&O list.
    As many time we focused on NIFTY & BANKNIFTY, please add in F&O segment.
    Thank you.

  17. Like as UBB & LBB plz add Pivot and at least 2 Support & Resistant points to evaluate easy often getting them by bracket calculations each and every time in strategies.

  18. Setup a CCI crossover on 5 minute candle as follows:
    [ 0 ] 5 minute cci(20)

    In the above formula, is 20 periods for 5 minutes or 1 day? I am confused as in your videos, you refer to in a weekly screener, as 14 meaning 14 days, and not weeks.

  19. Hi Akash and Team,
    I have started looking your website, its quite amazing and quite handful.

    Thanks for wonderful site.

    1. Thanks for your kind comments. Our premium members get realtime data with updates every minute for our Charts & Scans. So if you run a scan at 9:20am for example, it would be based on the latest data until 9:19:59am and so on..

    1. Hello,
      Thanks. There is a delay of 5 minutes for non members. Our premium members get realtime data with updates every minute for our Charts & Scans. So if you run a scan at 9:20am for example, it would be based on the latest data until 9:19:59am and so on..

      As a premium member you would be able to:
      Access realtime data for Charts & Scans every minute
      Create Alerts and receive updates of stock breakouts over sms/email/mobile/desktop
      View charts in 1/2/3 minute timeframes with auto-refresh
      Run screeners in 1/2/3 minute timeframes with auto-refresh
      Scan any watchlist via the segment dropdown of a scan
      Get Dedicated support for your scanner requirements

      You can get details/signup our premium service here:

  20. I’ve subscribed to your premium package on a monthly basis. While I was analysing intra-day charts (5 min, 10 min) of stocks by drawing lines for support points, resistance points and trend line, the chart got updated automatically and all the drawing I did got cleared. This is really irritating. Can I have an option to disable the automatic refresh?

    1. Our premium members get realtime data with updates every minute for our Charts & Scans. So if you run a scan at 9:20am for example, it would be based on the latest data until 9:19:59am and so on..

    1. Free version, data is delayed by 5 minutes. Our premium members get realtime data with updates every minute for our Charts & Scans. So if you run a scan at 9:20am for example, it would be based on the latest data until 9:19:59am and so on..

      1. So if I’m not wrong then you are saying that if run a query at 9:30:00 A.M. for 1 mintue volume shocker. Then it will show me the data from 9:29:00 to 9:29:59.

        Support team Please call me in this regard..

  21. Dear Akashji,
    I would like to subscribe your premium service at the earliest. I have gone through all the FAQs. But I have a question:- How do I use your site for doing intraday? I mean the steps I have go through.

  22. values of indicators (RSI, MACD etc..) should also indicate while moving cursor on past candles.

  23. Sir kindly let me know when to check updates for strong bullish or strong bearish stocks for short term in positional stage



    1. Free version data is delayed by 5 minutes. In premium subscription, charts and scans are updated every minute. Our premium members get realtime data with updates every minute for our Charts & Scans. So if you run a scan at 9:20am for example, it would be based on the latest data until 9:19:59am and so on..
      As a premium member you would be able to:

      Access realtime data for Charts & Scans every minute
      Create Alerts and receive updates of stock breakouts over sms/email/mobile/desktop/webhooks
      View charts in 1/2/3 minute timeframes with auto-refresh
      Run screeners in 1/2/3 minute timeframes with auto-refresh
      Scan any watchlist via the segment dropdown of a scan
      Customized Atlas dashboards for market overview
      Get Dedicated support for your scanner requirements

      You can get details/signup our premium service here:

  26. F&O stock and its rate is available in the scanner. If yes, give information about it. And give its link.

  27. Hi Team,
    I need to get breakout on first 3 mins candle. Can I get it by 9:18 AM IST ? Or first alert will always comes after 9:20 ?

    1. Hello,
      You can start getting results from 9.19am for the same. Free version data is delayed by 5 minutes. In premium subscription, charts and scans are updated every minute. Our premium members get realtime data with updates every minute for our Charts & Scans. So if you run a scan at 9:20am for example, it would be based on the latest data until 9:19:59am and so on..

  28. Since you added real-time charts in EOD charts. we love to prefer your website compared to investing and other big chart providers. Your scanners saves lot of time and help us to make a quick trading decision. You all have been doing a wonderful job. Keep up the good work

  29. Hi. If I want to run scans based on the data of 9.25 am, when (@ what exact time?) should I preferably run the scan?

    1. The 9:25am candle would complete at 9:25:59am, to run a scan against this completed scan, you can set the alert to run at 9:26am

      1. Free version data is delayed by 5 minutes. In premium subscription, charts and scans are updated every minute. Our premium members get realtime data with updates every minute for our Charts & Scans. So if you run a scan at 9:20am for example, it would be based on the latest data until 9:19:59am and so on..

  30. Paid for the premium version to get real time alerts but not even getting delayed alerts. my screener generates around 10-15 alerts daily which shows in backtesting results but getting just 2/3 SMS alerts on daily. Really disappointed.

  31. Hello,
    There are chances that the backtest results may not match with the alerts history if multiple timeframes are used in the scan, please read our for more details:

  32. Hi, I need your real time data to be keep on updated i my excel sheet like Macros. I have my own excel sheet which needs to be inputted from Chart ink.. Also, Nifty 50 actual data to be incorporated . Can you help me in it. How I can do it

  33. I would be interested to subscribe but need following confirmation before i go ahead.

    1. I would need to download open / high / low / ltp / close data for more than 100 scrips in a single excel sheet at frequent intervals like 0920 hrs / 0930/hrs / 1055 hrs/1155 hrs/ etc.

    2. Can i download the above data for any number of scrip of my choice

    3. Can i download it at any time of the day for any time of the day or next day. Example – Can i download data of 0920 hrs of today at 1400 hrs or tomorrow

    4. Can i download high / low for any number of scrips for any period. Example, high low data for 100 scrips for a time range between 1500 hrs to 1530 hrs.

    Appreciate if you can confirm and share some sample data for better understanding of the request to avoid confusion

  34. good morning sir
    sir real time alerts and back test history are not coinciding . i got alerts almost the trend is finished , i tried so many scanners . how can i fix the issue.
    regards baisil

    1. Hello,
      There are chances that the backtest results may not match with the alerts history if multiple timeframes are used in the scan, please read our for more details:

  35. can’t i get real time data for 1 minute candles.????
    like 9:15 data at 9:16

    eg. if i want to check for — which 1 minute candle has open and close higher than previous 1 minutes high.

  36. Hi ,

    Hi i am premium user of chartink.

    I want to automatic download the live data for specific period like High , Open , Low , close for 15 mins candle or 30 mins candle in excel. For example – i want automatic download ( Excel ) or email notification of the list of stocks – for 9:00 AM , 15 mins candle with Open , high , low and close @ 9:16 AM.
    This data can be saved in my dashboard and also sent through mail to me . The 9:00 AM candle of 15 mins is just an example here.
    Currently i need to immediate login @ specific time to download the data and if for some reason i get late , i miss the bus.
    Please suggest a way to achieve this through chartink .

        1. Hello,

          At this moment, we do not offer the feature you mentioned. Nonetheless, we are actively exploring the option of adding it along with new indicators.

          I am unable to provide a specific timeline for the addition of this feature, but I have forwarded your request to our Development team for future consideration.

          We value your patience and look forward to enhancing our service for our valuable users.

  37. Hi Team,
    I have been a premium subscriber of Chartink since last one year but I am not satisfied with the service as there are many flaws in your scanners. There are a number of stocks which never get scanned though those stocks fulfill all the conditions mentioned in the scanner. There is a big mismatch in between the stocks filtered by the scanner and backtest results. Initially when I raised this concern with you people I got a response saying the ambiguity is because I used multi timeframes in my scanner.
    This time i have created a single timeframe scanner, thought now everything will be fine but I was shocked when I saw that my scanner is missing a big number of stocks which satisfied all the conditions in the scanner also again there is a mismatch between scanned stocks and backtest.
    I have captured scanned stocks csv at 3.20pm and a backtest csv for the same timestamp. Almost  76 stocks which are present in the backtest csv  never scanned by scanner and 151 stocks filtered(incorrectly) in the scanner which are never there in the backtest.
    Please find attached files :1] scanned stocks by 5 min scanner at 3.20pm2] backtest results at 3.20pm and 3] name and number of stocks which are mismatching in backtest/filter.
    Please have a dig on priority and let me know if you need any other details. 

    1. Hello,
      Can you please email us the same. If same time frame candles are used in the scan, back-test and alerts would match. Back-test always displays the starting time of the candle whereas alerts are sent out as soon as a stock matches all scan criteria.

      Also, for example on a 10 min scan, there is the 12.55 candle which was forming. Candle formation completes at 13.05 and that is the time you got the alert. 

      You may set alerts to run every 1 minute if you want the alerts to check for stocks on an incomplete 10 min candle. By doing this it is possible at times, you get an alert at 12.57pm but by the time candle formation is complete, the stock may not longer be matching your criteria and you will not see the same in back-test results. 

      1. Hello,
        I am your paid member.
        As par your above answer, I want to clear some doubts.
        Suppose, I create a scanner with 5 minute candle, i.e.

        [0] 5 minute close Greater than [-1] 5 minute High

        Now I want to understand 3 points:
        1. Dashboard – If I monitor this scanner on Dashboard (which refreshes every 1 minute). I got results in every minute like
        Stock A & B @ 10:01 AM
        Stock B & C @ 10:02 AM – Stock A will be out for not filling the requirement
        Stock B @ 10:03 AM
        Stock C & D @ 10:04 AM
        and in Final scan @ 10:05 result found – only Stock B

        2. Alert Section – If I set an alert for every 1 minute , I will get same result (of Dashboard) in Alert section.

        3. Backtest – I used 5 minute timeframe, so I found only 1 result ‘ Stock B’ @ 10:00 am in backtest.

        AM I RIGHT ?

        1. Yes, you are correct. For example on a 10 min scan, there is the 12.55 candle which was forming. Candle formation completes at 13.05 and that is the time you got the alert. 

          You may set alerts to run every 1 minute if you want the alerts to check for stocks on an incomplete 10 min candle. By doing this it is possible at times, you get an alert at 12.57pm but by the time candle formation is complete, the stock may not longer be matching your criteria and you will not see the same in back-test results. 

          1. Thanks for your response dear.
            one more question, please
            If I use ‘Latest close’ instead of ‘[0] 5 minute close’, i.e.
            Latest close Greater than [-1] 5 minute High

            Then, on Dashboard, I will get same result (as par above example).
            On 1 minute alert, I will get same result.

            But, on 5 minute alert –
            (A) I will get result of after every 5 minute candle close – Am I right?
            (B) On Becktest – I will get result only on EOD (closing). – Am I right?

  38. Hello Chartink,

    Before I subscribe I would like to know one thing. Suppose, I created a scan and set an alert for every 5 minutes candle. Will the scan runs automatically for every 5 minutes or do i need to run the scan every time?

    1. Hello,

      Free version data is delayed by 5 minutes. In premium subscription, charts and scans are auto-updated every minute. Our premium members get realtime data with updates every minute for our Charts & Scans. So if you run a scan at 9:20am for example, it would be based on the latest data until 9:19:59am and so on..

  39. Hi, Thanks for such wonderful platform
    I would like to know when the scan will be refreshed for ‘Next day bullish stocks’ scanner. Does is shows that bullish stocks data prior to the next day start?

    1. Hello,

      You’ll get pre-market data for current’ day’s data starting at 9:09am, consisting of data until 9:08:59am. Data is updated at 9:09am in our scans for our Daily candles. Alerts are not sent out before 9.15am. You will need to manually run the scan and view the results.

  40. Is Chartink premium member getting data exactly matching with market data.

    For example- Nifty is running is at 14600 at 9.15am in Zerodha chart if do check in chartink chart also the nifty will run same 14600 or there might be any interval getting data for 1 2 3 or 5 minute

    1. Hello,

      In premium subscription, charts and scans are updated every minute. Our premium members get realtime data with updates every minute for our Charts & Scans. So if you run a scan at 9:20am for example, it would be based on the latest data until 9:19:59am and so on..

    1. You’ll get pre-market data for current’ day’s data starting at 9:09am, consisting of data until 9:08:59am. Data is updated at 9:09am in our scans for our Daily candles. Alerts are not sent out before 9.15am. You will need to manually run the scan and view the results.


  41. sir i want to know about btst scanner , i made one scanner for btst , but shares are not updating at morning also , please tell me about btst scanner , share updating time of the stocks

  42. I got some alerts triggered so late,
    I also share the link of the screener, but did not got any mail back.

  43. Hello Akshay,

    We have already replied to your email with the subject “Time required to trigger the output is so late”. I am sharing our reply below for your reference:

    Please note I’ve reviewed your scan and the chart of the stock STAR, and I’ve noticed the stock is not matching with the 3rd scan condition (Latest “close – 1 candle ago close / 1 candle ago close * 100” < 0 ) on the first candle because the % change on the first candle is 0.64% which is not less than 0. Hence you have not recvied the signal for the said stock for the first candle.

  44. Hi Chart link Team,
    You guys are doing really great job.
    I am 2 days old on Chart link:
    My query is: What is the difference between Daily Candle ‘Latest’ and Intraday Candle ‘[0] 5 minute’
    Thanks in advance.

  45. Hi,
    I have taken service before two days but i am not getting any notifications any update from chartink.
    i am not able to contact any there is no any helpline no. I am very frustrated.

    1. Helllo,
      We provide support only via email, as it makes it simpler for us to understand your requirements & have them documented; hence, I suggest you try to share your requirements here.

      Are you still facing this issue? If so, please update here: [email protected]

      And please download Anydesk here:

      This software would allow us to take remote of your computer to view and resolve your problem. Once installed, please share the user id and password that will allow us to connect using Anydesk software.

  46. Plz once call me and solve my problem, though I am a paid member I could not able to do fi Intraday filter

  47. Hello,

    We provide support only via email, as it makes it simpler for us to understand your requirements & have them documented; hence, I suggest you try to share your requirements here. Further, could you please elaborate on what you mean by not being able to find the Intraday filter?

  48. I am a premium subscriber.
    how much delay in second the data I will get after screening?
    Like, If i will maualy refresh dashboard or scan at 9:15:30(hour:minute:sec)/9:16:40 , then how much latest data chartlink will scan using my screener ??

  49. Can i get pre market scan data after 9:08 AM AND before 9:15 am in scanner?
    With premium membership.

    1. Hello,

      You’ll get pre-market data for the current day’s data starting at 9:09 am, consisting of data until 9:08:59am. Data is updated at 9:09 am in our scans for our Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly & Yearly candles. Note that for Intraday candles(1/2/3…minutes), data would reflect starting at 9:15 am.

      Alerts are not sent out before 9.15 am. You will need to manually run the scan and view the results with candles, including pre-market values.

  50. I made 1 scanner on chartink. If any of 2 stocks fulfilled all conditions then they will come into alert but if one stock from them will disappear from watchlist and Backtest if any condition reversed…. Right?
    Simply , if i want all stocks list which fulfilled all conditions (including those stocls who first fulfilled all conditions and comes into alert + those stocks which are currently running in backtest? Is it possible? And if possible then in which condition free or premium.. Pls let me know
    Regards Sagar G

  51. I made 1 scanner on chartink. If any of 2 stocks fulfilled all conditions then they will come into alert but if one stock from them will disappear from watchlist and Backtest if any condition reversed…. Right?
    Simply , if i want all stocks list which fulfilled all conditions (including those stocks who first fulfilled all conditions and later disappears when any condition reversed) Is it possible? And if possible then in which type? free or premium..i am ready to go for premium service…Pls let me know
    Regards Sagar G

    1. Apologies, but your query is not very clear. Can you please share more details on this and include the URL/link of your scan along with a few example stocks from the results and reference images for the same so it would help understand this better?

      If you want to track all stocks that came throughout the day, irrespective of whether they met all conditions or not, you could set alerts for the same (only available in the premium version) and verify the alert history to view these stocks.

      As a premium member, you would be able to:
      Access realtime data for Charts and scans every minute
      Create Alerts and receive updates of stock breakouts over SMS/email/mobile/desktop/webhooks
      View charts in 1/2/3 minute timeframes with auto-refresh
      Run screeners in 1/2/3 minute timeframes with auto-refresh
      Scan any watchlist via the segment dropdown of a scan
      Private Scans & Dashboard
      Customized Atlas dashboards for market overview
      Dedicated support for your scanner or dashboard requirements

      You can get details/sign up for our premium service here:

  52. HI Sir,
    As i have premium service and i have created a screener. now i want to display time that which time i have got signal… is it possible…

    1. Hello,

      You can create an alert for the same. The alert will show the time when the stock met all of your requirements. 

      We have created a detailed guide on the steps required to create Alerts; please review it here:


      It also contains the details of the top scans used on our site; they contain the top 10 scans used for Intraday/Swing & short-term trading

  53. Hello Chartink Team,

    I am premium Chartink user. I take scalping trades automatically. In chartink minimum time interval is 1 minute for scanning. Due to this time interval many times opportunities are missed. A scalper needs continuous scanning. Is it possible in chartink like tradingview?

    1. Hello,

      Unfortunately, we do not update the data tick by tick. The real-time data will be updated every minute. So if you run the scan at 9:20 am, for example, it would be based on the latest data until 9:19:59 and so on…
      But if you want, we support algo trading. Please let us know on this email ID: [email protected]
      if you want the same.

  54. Hi Team,

    Please accept my appreciation for your wonderful work which is really helping us a lot.

    I needed a clarity on the doubt. When I run a 1 minute scan at 9:17 AM I get the data of 9:16:00 AM to 9:16:59 AM. Does this 1 min scan shows the data only of the said 1 minute (Data of 9:16:00 AM to 9:16:59 AM) or it also shows all the data before 9:16:00 AM (along with pre – open market data).

    Please respond.

    1. Hello,

      The candle will only include the data from 9:16 AM to 9:16:59 AM.

      Note: Our Daily/Weekly/Monthly & Yearly candles include pre-market values whereas our Intraday candles(1/2/3.. minutes) have data only from 9:15 am onwards(no premarket values); in other words, if you’d want to access the “open” of a candle consists of pre-market values, please use daily candle’s open i.e. “daily open.”

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