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Triple Bottom
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Overbought Stocks
count 90
Oversold Stocks
count 21
Volume Shockers
count 100
Oversold stocks, as the name suggest show's the highly oversold stocks, ones that are expected to see some fresh buying coming in. They are often tracked using RSI (Relative strength Index) which has a value between 1 and 100. the level below 30 (in RSI), acts as a oversold zone, and if a stock's RSI continues to trade below it for a few days and then changes its trend updwards (crossing above 30), it denotes some upside could be seen ahead
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Sr. Stock name   Close Change CandleStick PnF
111.64-1.10 %linklink
2Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited606.205.51 %linklink
3Colgate Palmolive (india) Limited2780.700.15 %linklink
4841.20-2.17 %linklink
5Cyber Media (india) Limited26.632.23 %linklink
616.58-1.72 %linklink
7Excel Industries Limited1379.055.07 %linklink
81031.752.70 %linklink
9Jamna Auto Industries Limited99.24-0.09 %linklink
10133.06-1.45 %linklink
1145.500.22 %linklink
121014.600.27 %linklink
13440.65-0.09 %linklink
14Pil Italica Lifestyle Limited14.262.08 %linklink
15324.40-1.65 %linklink
16Power Mech Projects Limited2650.153.67 %linklink
1734.185.72 %linklink
18Somany Ceramics Limited668.952.54 %linklink
1915.392.46 %linklink
20Sadbhav Engineering Limited29.034.31 %linklink
21730.552.58 %linklink