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Triple Top
count 7
Triple Bottom
count 20
Double Top
count 21
Double Bottom
count 15
Overbought Stocks
count 90
Oversold Stocks
count 21
Volume Shockers
count 100
Triple Top offers one of the bets methods to have a look at the major resistance level for a stock. The formation shows the 3 major high's of the stock over a period, from where it previously saw selling pressure. These levels act as a resistance level. Failure to again cross them (for the 4rd time), could result in some downside. It is often used by trades for mid/long term trades
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Sr. Stock name   Close Change CandleStick PnF
1Muthoot Finance Limited2136.851.05 %linklink
2865.350.32 %linklink
3221.374.35 %linklink
4Cigniti Technologies Limited1942.000.70 %linklink
5Coromandel International Limited1845.500.80 %linklink
6Camlin Fine Sciences Limited124.570.74 %linklink
7Bajaj Holdings & Investment Limited11331.501.32 %linklink