Financial trend dashboard

The dashboard shows individual stocks and their quarterly and annual profit history. This video will show users how to navigate the ‘Dashboard for Stock History’.


Notice, how clicking on the “filter” icon on the stock list on the left, show’s the fianncail trend(net profit values over the last few quarters and year)

7 thoughts on “Financial trend dashboard”

  1. Dear Team,

    Please do the needful for below scanner. This scan provided stocks incorrect. Why?

    Yearly Net profit/reported profit after tax > 1 year ago Net profit/reported profit after tax * 3

    1. That is a very good suggestion Mr Jagan. Request the team to look into this. I used to create such scans in Amibroker, but have since dumped it and use CI full time now.
      The particular use case is that one cloud be looking to use X number of conditions match in a set of X + Y conditions. I actually have a use case for this in one of my potential scans but am unable to deploy it as the function is unavailable.
      Kindly see how u can incorporate this. Great.

      1. Interesting, could you please share an example of this? That would help me understand how we should go about it within the UI as well

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