Backtest results will update or repaint thru the day while the current candle is being built up. Below are the scenarios that should be considered while validating results from the backtested history.
Example 1 (Single timeframe – Daily candles)
A scan running on a daily candle, shown at 10 am, will differ from the results displayed at 12 pm. This is similar to how the indicators/candle would look for the current day on a candlestick chart, i.e., it will continue to change for the day until the market is closed.
Example 2 (Multiple timeframes – 5 minute and Daily candle)
For a scan using 2 different timeframes, i.e 5 minutes and daily candle, the backtest history would show a bar for every 5 minutes(lowest timeframe in the scan), the backtest history would spread the daily candle for every 5 minutes, i.e., the values current spanshot of the daily candles is spread across all 5-minute bars in a day causing the results to change as the current version/snapshot of the daily candle updates.
Unlike Alerts, Backtest is generated on the fly(i.e., the time you view the scan). E.g., If you view the backtested history on such a scan at 12 pm and then re-check it at 3 pm, the backtest bars since market opening, i.e., 9:15 am, 9:20 am, and so on.. may show changed/updated results as the run on 3 pm saw a newer version of the daily candle, as of 3 pm. In such a case, to validate the actual stocks present in a scan at 9:30 am, would be to create an alert and validate the results of the alert’s history instead. As alerts run on the trading time (9:20 am, 9:25 am, 9:30 am), unlike backtest, generated on the fly, i.e., when you view/open the scan page.
Note: This behavior is NOT a bug, but rather how candlestick charts are shown/displayed, the candlestick chart show’s only the current version of the candle and not how it looked every second/minute in a day, which would mean the current candle on a candlestick chart would continue to change/update thru the day while the candle is incomplete
when i use latest and one day ago in the scan will it be consider as multi time frame
For “1 day ago” it will be the completed candle. For the current day(i.e daily candle using “latest..”), it will change/update until the current day’s candle complete
I agree for the current day results, it will change till the candles completes for the day. But when we check the previous days Back test results, the results are changing frequently. why??
This shouldn’t happen, unless there’s a bigger timeframe, like weekly/monthly that covers/spreads across all the day’s from that given month/week. Please share the scan link so that i can check
Hi Akash/ChartLink Team,
I have a similar issue. For one of my scans the backtest result for 27 Jun shows a change when compared to when i had checked on 27th Jun 5 PM.
I can share the scan link if required.
Dear Akash,
Please look over this scanner and solve the issue.
When I check the previous days back tested results.. The results are changing and updating frequently. Kindly change if any correction required.
I also have same problem
I have the same issue,back testing downloaded files are slightly changes w.r.t days,,please knowledge
Same issue
dear Akash
Are u going to improve back test by providing closing scan rate in .cvs file.
If possible also provide rate of 2nd candle , 3rd candle , 5th candlle , rate of 10th candle 20th candle.
I m waiting for black test history tabulation with rates since long long….
In case of atlas accumulate scanned / filtered data history to check past alerts , backrest history .
I m sure this feature would improve profitability of your premium subscribers .
Pl do needful.
For detail contact me on 9374978934
Thanks & reg
Same issue
19/12/20 evening my scanner give total 7 stock for buy.
20/12/23 all is fail down except
Today whan I am check back test result of 19/12/23 scanner show only one stock (CIPLA).
It would be really helpful if you share details below to this support email.
URL of the scan that you are referring to?
Share a few example stocks with us for which you should have received alerts but did not get alerts for the same.
Share a screenshot of the alert settings for your scan. You can do so by opening your scan and clicking on the “modify alert” option, and sharing a screenshot for the same here for our reference.
Even I am facing the same issue, when we check the previous days Back test results, the results are changing frequently. why??
Could you please share the URL/link of the scan you refer to and a few example stocks for reference?
Same sir
Sorry but your query is not very clear. How can we help you here? Kindly elaborate a bit more on the same.
i agree for the current results , it will change till the candles completes for the day.But when we check the days Vack test, the results are changing frequently,why ??
This could probably be because of a scan or an alert misconfiguration, which we could investigate and correct. Please share the following details:
1. URL of the scan that you are referring to?
2. Share a few example stocks with us for which you should have received alerts but did not get alerts for the same. Or the alerts you received disappeared from the backtest.
3. Share a screenshot of the alert settings for your scan. You can do so by opening your scan, clicking on the “modify alert” option, and sharing a screenshot for the same here for our reference.
even i have noticed this in my scans
Apologies, but I’m afraid that your message isn’t entirely clear. Could you please provide more details on what you are referring to?
No, latest is the today’s current time for the daily timeframe. Latest and 1 day ago both are the daily timeframe.
For a lot of times even after the market is closed and backtested results are collected, next day either the stock gets disappeared from the previous day list but it still stays in the csv file that is downloaded. Also, have noticed stocks getting added in the list. Can you help me?
Hi sir, in intraday scanner not show any result but market close I seen one result
What problem….
Can I send scanner link
The reason you see this is because your scan is using the 1-hour and daily timeframes, and you are running the scan in between the day. This will cause the scan to show you results based on an incomplete daily candle. The backtest results will continue to be repainted/updated until the daily candle completes its formation.
dear akash some stocks are shown in backtest which do not appear in alert. please resolve this issue so many are facing this problem. i am chartink subscriber.
Can you please share a scan link you are referring to, along with the example stocks? So that we can review the same and revert you accordingly.
is chartink have facility last 7 days instead of weekly bars
To team, you are doing great, only one suggestion from me, can you put a code, that will freeze results of scanner for the time frame when next candle starts. So when we do back testing of any scanner, do we get realistic results.
Thank you for your feedback and suggestion. We will surely share this with our team and will keep you posted if there is any development on this.
We understand and appreciate you bringing this to our attention. Currently, we are in the process of exploring the possibility of adding this & others soon. We appreciate your patience as we improve and enhance our service for our users.
Kindly check for this scanner at what time frame I should use and when should I take trade.
Kindly be advised that we do not offer any suggestions regarding stocks on this platform. However, in our premium package, you have the option to create alerts for your scanning tactics. Once the stock meets all of your scanning criteria and alert specifications, you will receive a notification.
Dear team thanks for your reply. Why stocks are changing day by day in backtest results. For eg. While seeing backtest results by yesterday for May 29th date it showed 2 stocks only. For same date if I see today it shows 3 to 4 stocks how it is possible?
eagerly waiting for this feature !!!!!
Sure, we will keep you posted about the feature you have mentioned.
when I try to find the latest word as I do not find .It only shows daily as criterion
Regarding in Daily Candles, I agree for the current candles ie for the current day, but when we see the previous days candles the results are changing frequently. Why???
Previous candle’s shouldn’t change, unless there are other timeframes like weekly/monthly(larger time frames) which could impact the result. Please share the scan link so that I can check and provide details.
Pls check this scanner as my backtested results of 16 Jan 23 has disappeared
Thank you for reaching out. The reason you see this is that your scan is using the weekly and monthly timeframes, and you are running the scan in between the week/month. This will cause the scan to show you results based on an incomplete weekly/monthly candle. The results in the backtest will continue to repaint/update until the weekly and monthly candle completes its formation. I hope this helps.
Hello @Chartink support team,
Thanks for this reply just need to know further on this that the statement you have made “The results in the backtest will continue to repaint/update until the weekly and monthly candle completes its formation.”
Does it mean, for any chart when we use Mothly/weekly candle in the screener
“The best possible date for a backtest to be consider could be the result wahich was shown for the 1st of every month….?????????”
please please reply on this thanks in advance..!!
No rather the end of every month in case of the monthly timeframe. On the 1st of the month the candle would only have data of the 1st day whereas on the last day of the month, the candle would be a completed monthly candle containing data from the 1st until the last day of that month.
Hey, can you share any sample. Screeners to avoid this phenomenon?
This is rather a behaviour that you notice on candlestick charts as well. A better way to track/test a scan would be to ensure filters of higher timeframes like daily don’t impact/cause the results to change on a lower timeframe. Often we see queries like “Latest volume > sma..” which delays the result of a scan even if lower timeframes like 5 minute filters meet you conditions.
Iam your premium customer from last 4 months. I have one query regarding backtesting that How can get the price and volume details in back test results
We currently don’t have a provision to add volume/close fields in the backtest, however, we’ll plan on customizing this shortly
Adding the closing price to backtest result will be a great feature and much required to fully use the backtest results. Any update by when it can be implemented?
Thank you for your suggestion. Currently, we do not have this feature. Shall get with the team on the same.
Any update on this please of providing prices to backtest results?
If the results changing by using bracket then what would be the
right way to use .
is it changing for 5min or other short periods
share me any example for short time period that shows exact situation of the stock
A better way to track/test a scan would be to ensure filters of higher timeframes like daily don’t impact/cause the results to change on a lower timeframe. Often we see queries like “Latest volume > sma..” which delays the result of a scan even if lower timeframes like 5 minute filters meet you conditi
Good you updated this as i had big issue in backtest data and alert data.
We are happy to assist you always.
If you have any other queries/feedback, please feel free to contact us.
Chartink Support
Your back testing model is good. Are you planning to add back testing with profit and loss, using amount invested in trade, exit rule like stop loss%, target%.
I have a filter with only first (=1) 5 minute candle but still it is showing all 5 minute data in backtest. Please look into it
You could add the below conditions to ensure it only shows the 1st 5-minute candle in the backtest. Here is an example scan checking for the 1st 5 minute’s open=high:
Here you can see 5 additional conditions checking for the current open/high/low/close/volume to be equal to the 1st 5 minutes open/high/low/close/volume. This should help.
I’m facing the problem in Backtesting result. When I was run the scanner in 15 Jan 2024 it show me only 3 stocks (INDIANCARD, SHALPANT , CREST). But if I run the scanner on 19 Jan 2024 it show me 5 to 6 stocks (that is JASH, TNPL) . So basically according to scanner we are planning to make position in certain script but like misbehaving we are losing the opportunity in such trade.
I am sharing my scanner for your ready reference
Hello Hiren,
The reason you see this is because your scan is using the weekly and monthly timeframes and you are running the scan in between the week/month. This will cause the scan to show you results based on an incomplete weekly/monthly candle. The results in the backtest will continue to repaint/update until the weekly and monthly candle completes its formation. I hope this helps.
problem is result shown only date not exact time please guide me, i need result with time .
awaiting your prompt reply.
If you set the alerts, You can see the triggered time for alerts here:
( {57960} ( [0] 15 minute close > [-1] 15 minute max ( 20 , [0] 15 minute close ) and [0] 15 minute volume > [0] 15 minute sma ( volume,20 ) and ( latest high – latest low ) * 1.1 / 4 + latest close < ( latest high – latest low ) * 1.1 / 4 + latest close ) )
i have above screener but not updated since 03/08/2021 11.45 AM
please guide what to do to run this screener normally.
Can you please share the url to this scan? Also, which stock did not show up at 11.45am?
Hello, do you have feature with generating win rate of back test result.
Currently, no. We do plan on it in the future.
For “1 day ago” it will be the completed candle. For the current day(i.e daily candle using “latest..”), it will change/update until the current day’s candle complete
Yes, today’s daily candle keeps updating during market hours.
Suggestion: Kindly integrate success percent calculator, with pre defined objectives. Objectives can be price rise (in %) in specific time. eg- 5% profits from current close in next 13 sessions. Make this feature available to only premium customers.
Sure, shall get with the team on your suggestion
Using nifty as Indicator was an outstanding request from my side.
Eg if going long the
the long trade should initiate only when the nifty is above some ema or other conditional indicator.
This will keep us in trend with the market direction.
Thanking you
Yes, we do plan on adding this feature in the near term. Shall keep you posted.
Can I use my chartink filter 1 day ago, 1 month ago, 1 week ago , time frame so I solve my problem for corrent Data and back test data is not match ???????
You can select your required timeframe from the dropdown list by clicking on “Latest”
what is the time frame for Yearly and 1 Year ago? Please explain by giving dates.
Hi Team,
You guys rock and are already doing tremendous work.
A suggestion :
For better backtesting, below timeframes for parameters like Open/Close/High/Low would be helpful. These can be made available for previous day/week candles as applicable. They will have values if those many days/weeks have passed. Else it’ll have ‘NaN’ or 0.
1. 1 day after, 2 day after …. 5 day after (These would be particularly helpful)
2. 1 Week after …
3. 1 month after ..
Any support in this regard would be much appreciated.
My observation & practice
When I use Latest, Weekly, Monthly, I’m clear it is the OPEN CANDLE of the current Day, Week & Month respectively
Thus the results will keep coming & disappearing as the the signals will be true at some moment in time and not match in some other moment in time and since these candles are working on OPEN CANDLE, my expectation is to catch the signal as soon as it happens and thereafter it may disappear if the conditions are not true anymore
For E.g.
at 10 AM Latest greater then Latest SMA 20 and I got the stock on my scanner
However at 11:35 AM Latest was less then SMA 20 so this stock will disappear from my scanner
Same is the case for weekly and Monthly
at 10 AM on monday the Weekly is Greater then Weekly SMA 20 so I will get the stock in the scanner on Monday
However, on Thursday, the Weekly is Lesser then Weekly SMA 20, so I the same stock will disappear from the scanner
So, use Latest, Weekly, Monthly only when you want to catch signals on the CURRENT OPEN CANDLE
Otherwise always use 1day before, 1 week before and 1 month before
One e.g. of proper usage can be
1 day ago Daily less SMA 20
Latest crossed above SMA 20
Now, this will ensure that the previous day candle close was below SMA20 AND current Daily Candle has crossed above 20SMA
Note: this again can disappear from the scanner later in the day if the Current Day Candle comes below SMA 20
Hope this helps sort out the confusion
Thanks Sandeep. This is good practice indeed. As you mentioned, it helps if we work on finished/completed candles as we can see same results when we backtest.
What I wanted to achieve is real backtesting where we can see how our scan results performed in x minutes/hours/days after those appeared on scan. This way I can backtest and optimize my scans further/faster.
My earlier message is suggestion towards achieving this.
Please add. Also hoping that Chartlink support team would take a note and guide in this regard.
I need stocks for next day trading before market opens. wil this scanner provide me stocks before market open or the scanner will provide stocks while live market.
Nov 1 backtest results shown lgbalakrishna and precision wire share I go to buy this share but next day lgb share did not shown in results…!!!????
Please share the link/ url for the scan so we can review and respond.
GUI for backtest results are not good, Please include an option to change it into table format. and also include an option to view the back results based on intervals like last one hour, last 3o minutes etc,
Currently, we do not have this feature. We may plan on adding it in the near term. Shall keep you posted.
Today I ran through a screener, In Backtest result I got a new stock in the list of the day before yesterday’s date but It was not there yesterday. Why is that so?
Please share the link/ url for the scan so we can review and respond.
Hello Akash ji,
I am not able to join your telegram channel as it says username not found. I tried all your video links from description and it is the same issue. please let me know if the channel name has changed
Thank You
Currently, we do not have a telegram channel. Who referred you to this link?
Hello team,
I am not able to download the backtest results of scanners.
You need to click on the blue button named ” Download CSV”.
Please share the screenshot of which error you are facing to review and respond.
which is the best time frame to get accurate data from the screener?
Please note we do not provide any recommendations for scans or stocks here. We only provide a platform where traders can create scans and dashboards based on their strategy and filter out stocks that meet specific criteria.
You can review example scans or create your own scan by following our scanner guide here. Please note that entry and exit are entirely up to you based on your observation.
You can start by reviewing our top scans here:
They contain the top 10 scans for Intraday/Swing & short-term trading. These are sorted by “most loved” by our members.
Today I ran through a screener, In Backtest result I got a new stock in the list of the day before yesterday’s date but It was not there yesterday. Why is that so?
link of scanner
Thank you for reaching out. The reason you see this is because your scan is using the weekly and monthly timeframes and you are running the scan in between the week/month. This will cause the scan to show you results based on an incomplete weekly/monthly candle. The results in the backtest will continue to repaint/update until the weekly and monthly candle completes its formation. I hope this helps.
After closing market stock come in scanner but after 2 days it disappears….sometime no stock see in any particular date but after someday some stock appear on that particular date
Please share the link to the scan where you noticed the issue with an example stock to review the same and respond.
how to take days open, high, low in screener ?
“latest” takes the recent candle, if I want to compare latest close of 5min candle with stock open price, how we can do that ?
Thank you for reaching out. Please find the below-mentioned example scan for your reference. For the latest, the offset in the intraday time frame will be [0] 5 minutes close, and for its immediate previous candle, the offset will be [-1].
dear Akash
Are u going to improve back test by providing closing scan rate in .cvs file.
If possible also provide rate of 2nd candle , 3rd candle , 5th candlle , rate of 10th candle 20th candle.
I m waiting for black test history tabulation with rates since long long….
In case of atlas accumulate scanned / filtered data history to check past alerts , backrest history .
I m sure this feature would improve profitability of your premium subscribers .
Pl do needful.
For detail contact me on 9374978934
Thanks & reg
How can we ensure in short strategy, entry not to take more the -2%
Thank you for reaching out. Do you mean you wanted to avoid stocks that fell more than -2%? If so, you need to add a simple condition into the scanner as “%change greater than -2” this will show you stock above -2%change; I hope this helps.
Hello guys,
Great work with the website.
I wanted to ask how to not show repeated results in the backtested history in any scan, for example over here (
When you go to the backtest section you can see the results repeated multiple times in the day. It becomes very cumbersome when getting the result for 2-3 months in csv file.
Thank you for your comment. Here is your modified scan; kindly review it-
Please note in the above mentioned we’ve added new four additional filters in the last were first 15 minutes candle high, low, open, close should equal to the current 15 minutes high, low, open, close; these filters will ensure that it will show you the result on days first 15 minutes candle.
Thank you
dear Akash
Are u going to improve back test by providing closing scan rate in .cvs file.
If possible also provide rate of 2nd candle , 3rd candle , 5th candlle , rate of 10th candle 20th candle.
I m waiting for black test history tabulation with rates since long long….
In case of atlas accumulate scanned / filtered data history to check past alerts , backrest history .
I m sure this feature would improve profitability of your premium subscribers .
Pl do needful.
For detail contact me on 9374978934
Thanks & reg
Hello Bhadresh,
Thank you for your suggestion; We do not have an update on this, but our team is certainly aware of your request; we will surely keep you posted when there is any development on this. I appreciate your understanding.
I am a paid subscriber. Currently when we backtest a monthly scanner (or any) for historical duration for example last 10 years, and use a filter for NIFTY 500, it always uses the latest NOFTY500 stocks even for historical months. This leads to significant errors for backtest results and return calculations for historical months for a specific strategy. Ideally the back test SHOULD use the NIFTY 500 stock list for the specific historical month as filter instead of using always the list NIFTY500 stocks of the latest month . Example if the backtest is generating result for the month of 2015 March, it should use the stocks present in NIFTY 500 index as on March 2015. Currently it always uses latest NIFTY 500 stock list (for example June 2022) even for older historical months. So can you please confirm when you will fix it? Till that time any long term filter/idex filter based strategy backtesting is not useful in Chartink.
Thanks in advance.
Br, Sudheendra
Hello, Thank you for reaching out; currently, it is not possible to map all the stocks of the current day(even for the historic months); the segment reflects the current stocks in a given stock & we don’t store them historically.
Currently when I back test any screener and download csv file. Show very good result with date, symbol marketcapname and sector but I think, time is very important for intraday or break out screener. So, I humbly request you to add time with date column in all screeners . Thank you.
How to see time of back-tested alert generated in reports. in some reports time is visible & some its not. kindly assist
The backtest will show the backtest bars based on the timeframes used in your scan. For example, if your scan only uses the daily timeframe, the backtest will contain the backtest bars of every day. Similarly, if your scan uses the 5-minute timeframe, the backtest bars will show all the 5-minute bars throughout the day. I hope this helps.
Dear Akash,
If i use “30 min High Equals Latest High” in my Premium Scanner then Back Test Candle Alerts (after market closed) Vs Live Market Alerts would be same?
for example : Alerts at 9.15am Candle after Market Closed Vs Alerts shown at 9.44.59 am at Live Market
If Not what is the reason and Solution
Backtest result are not correct and shows all time frame the same result of last scan. Only live scan we can use yours. Backtest is the important tool we require. Paying just for scan is not acceptable without backtest.
Find the response below:
1. Could you please share the scan URL to review and respond?
2. Please share some example stock names and screenshots where you see the issue to review and respond.
You can mail us at for the same.
I have used a screener and downloaded the backtest result as csv file. However, there is no provision to see the market price prevailed at that time for the stocks. Please include the market prices also in the results.
Thank you for your suggestion. We will surely pass this on to our team, and we will keep you posted as and when this is available.
I am really looking for this. Any update on this matter?
We, unfortunately, do not have an ETA on this. However our team is already aware of your request and we will surely keep you posted if there is any development on this.
Dear Akash,
When we check the previous days Back test results, the results are changing frequently. why??
Please fix this issue its important for us to survive in this market and kindly respond.
Could you please share the URL/link of the scan you refer to and a few example stocks for reference?
How to programmatically download history scan results?
Each day I wish to run the scan at 3pm. Then if the scan is returning stock X, which had also appeared in yesterday’s scan at 3pm then I wish to exclude that. so even if I get the results available in download option, I can do it by myself using some programming.
Question is how do I get the results of last 2-3 days programmatically?
Currently we do not have this feature. For now, you have to do it manually.
Hi Akash,
I have an Alert set against a particular Scan. What I find is, the Alert page indicates less no. of triggers (stocks) as compared with the backtest results of the Scan Page. The Scan is on a single time-frame, which is 5 minutes, and the Alert is set at 5 minutes interval.
For Eg. at 2:00 pm : Alerts page throws up Axis Bank, AmbujaCem, VEDL,
So does the Backtest results of the Scan page .
at 2:10 pm : Backtest result of Scan page throws up AmbujaCem
but Alerts page does not show any triggers for 2:10 pm
Why is this happening?
Hello, Please share the link to the scan where you noticed the issue with an example stock to review the same and respond. Kindly share the scan URL here –
I have shared the same via email.
So essentially, all your backtesting with multiple timeframe analysis will have a forward looking bias because while I’m planning for the entry at 5 min, looking at the daily value of an indicator at that moment, your backtest results looks at the daily value of the indicator at the close of that day.
It might not be a bug, but it makes your tool useless for multi timeframe backtesting. Doesn’t it?
The reason why you see this is that you are using multiple timeframes in your scan; how the scan works are, say, for example, you write a condition as below:
5 min close > -1 5 min close
and Latest RSI (daily candle) > 60
When you run the scan at an example, 10:17 am, A stock ABC supposes having the latest 5 min close value is 100, and the previous 5 min close value is 99. This fulfils the 1st condition. Now suppose at 10:17 am, the latest RSI value, i.e. the daily candle RSI, was 64; now, this also fulfils the 2nd condition. Hence the stock ABC will be displayed in the results.
Now say if you run this same scan at 11:06 am (around 1 hour after the first run), the values that the 2nd filter would see, i.e. against the daily candle, would be as of 11:06 am (& not as of 10:17 am), this would cause the backtest results to change/update/repaint because the daily candle impacts the results of all earlier time’s shown in the backtest (i.e. for the current day as the daily candle is not yet complete).
Note, this is the same behaviour that you’d notice on a candlestick chart, i.e. viewing a candlestick chart on a daily timeframe at 11:06 am would show the RSI or any indicator value as of 11:06 am and not the values that were present at 10 am or 10:30 am and so on.. this causes the backtest results to change/update.
I hope this clarifies the confusion here.
how to perform OR operation
Ex: in shareholding pattern (DII > Public) OR (FII> Public)
You can achieve this with a “Passes Any” group. Here is an example scan for the same:
Hi , I would like to know if I run a backtest on daily candles the result shown are from before market or after market on particular back date?
We did receive an email with the same request. We have reverted back to the same. I hope you have received our email.
I’m using a scanner which uses 2 filters ,one filter for “1 day ago” and another filter for “2 days ago”,
when i do back test for above, is the system will change the 1 day ago as 2 days ago and 2 days ago as 3 days ago ??
Yes, you have understood the correct behaviour of the backtest. In the backtest, you can evaluate the results on the basis of scan conditions for past days.
Please read here for more information:
I hope this helps.
how to use backtesting feature ?
You can review more information on the same here –
Kya maine premium lelta hu to mujko 9.20 minute par real alert mil jayega krupiya javab dijiyega
कृपया ध्यान दें कि मुफ़्त संस्करण में डेटा में 5 मिनट की देरी होती है। प्रीमियम सदस्यता में, चार्ट और स्कैन हर मिनट अपडेट किए जाते हैं। हमारे प्रीमियम सदस्यों को हमारे चार्ट और स्कैन के लिए हर मिनट अपडेट के साथ रीयलटाइम डेटा मिलता है। इसलिए, उदाहरण के लिए, यदि आप सुबह 9:20 बजे स्कैन चलाते हैं, तो यह सुबह 9:19:59 बजे तक के नवीनतम डेटा पर आधारित होगा और इसी तरह…
Thank you
Hi great work chartink team i wanna ask a question
If i set condition weekley atr greater than atr 1 week ago
Will the result displayed on monday be thesame throughout the week or will any change in middle of week affect result of that generated on Monday.
Kindly note that if your scan is using the weekly timeframes and you are running the scan in between the week. This will cause the scan to show you results based on an incomplete weekly candle. The results in the backtest will continue to repaint/update until the weekly candle completes its formation.
The weekly timeframe contains the data from Monday to Friday, and it will completed on Friday at 3.30pm. Till then, it will be continuously updated.
I hope this helps.
Dear support team,
Sometimes no stocks are filtered in the backtesting results. But after couple of days, some stock appears in the backtesting results for the previous date.
For ex, when checked on 19-Oct-2023, I didnt get any filtered stocks for the below scanner. But when I checked on 26-Oct-2023, the backtesting results show WELSPUNIND on 19-Oct-2023.
Scanner –
Please help
Hello Varun,
Thank you for reaching out. The reason you see this is that your scan is using the monthly timeframes, and you are running the scan in between the months. This will cause the scan to show you results based on an incomplete monthly candle. The results in the backtest will continue to repaint/update until the monthly candle completes its formation. I hope this helps.
Dear support team,
For the below scanner, I verified on 19-oct-2023 end of the day and there were no results. On 20-oct-2023 also, there were no results. But when I checked on 26-Oct-2023, I see that WELSPUNIND is added to backtesting results on 19-oct-2023. How is this possible?
Hello Varun,
It seems like this is the same scan from the previous comment. The reason you see this is that your scan is using the monthly timeframes, and you are running the scan in between the months. This will cause the scan to show you results based on an incomplete monthly candle. The results in the backtest will continue to repaint/update until the monthly candle completes its formation. I hope this helps.
Hi Shubam, agree with your point if the results disappear from the backtesting list.
But how will it get added to results once the date has passed? As per your logic , results are updated in last day of week or last day of month. can you take the above scan and explain reason why WELSPUNIND appeared on 19-oct-2023 please? I am not understanding this.
Hello Varun,
Please allow me to explain in more detail. I will take an example of stock “WELSPUNIND” showing from 19-10-2023 in the scan backtest.
If you noticed, your scan has different daily, weekly and monthly timeframes. On 19-10-2023, the stock “WELSPUNIND” probably fulfilled the daily & weekly conditions except for the monthly timeframe condition criteria.
Due to this, if you run this scan on 19-10-2023, this stock won’t appear in the results, nor will it be there in the backtest results.
Now, say on 31-10-2023 (today), the same stock fulfils all the group conditions daily, weekly and monthly.
Since all conditions have been met, this stock will show in the results from 19-10-2023. It caused the backtest to repaint and add the stock “WELSPUNIND”. Because the backtest uses the highest time frame (monthly in your scan) and spreads the bars for the lowest one. If you notice in your scan, the backtest will show the daily bars (lowest time frame in your scan)
I hope this helps clear up the confusion.
Dear support team,
I am unable to see the updated backtest results for the following screener:
The results are showing upto the month of July not for the recent months.
Please advise on this.
Thanks in Advance.
The LHS side of the comparison operator seems to be incorrect. You are comparing the daily RSI with the maximum RSI of 5 days, which includes that daily RSI. This won’t give you accurate results, as you need to exclude today’s RSI value.
Can you please confirm if you want the RSI divergence? If yes, please share a sample chart image at and we will create the scan for the same.
Dear support team,
By clicking Run scan at 2.30 pm, i got stock stock name ONGC shown as result. but same result is updated in back test history at 10.00 am.
Since i required result on 10.00 am only at lower price to buy stock, but is scanning at 2.30PM higher price and wrongly updating back test history as 10.00 am.
1. when i scan and download CSV file at morning, There was no ONGC stock at 10.00am
03-11-2023 10:00 am,VEDL,Largecap,Industrials
03-11-2023 10:00 am,GODREJCP,Largecap,FMCG
03-11-2023 10:00 am,GODREJPROP,Largecap,Realty
03-11-2023 10:00 am,L&TFH,Largecap,Finance
03-11-2023 10:00 am,LALPATHLAB,Largecap,Pharmaceuticals
2. When i scan and download CSV file at 2.30 pm, I found ONGC stock name and GODREJPROP is missing at
03-11-2023 10:00 am,ONGC,Largecap,Oils
03-11-2023 10:00 am,GODREJCP,Largecap,FMCG
03-11-2023 10:00 am,L&TFH,Largecap,Finance
03-11-2023 10:00 am,LALPATHLAB,Largecap,Pharmaceuticals
Please help me ,That result should come at only at lower price.I have attached link to make correction
Thank you for reaching out. The reason you see this is that your scan is using the weekly and daily timeframes, and you are running the scan in between the week/day. This will cause the scan to show you results based on an incomplete weekly/day candle. The results in the backtest will continue to be repainted/updated until the weekly and daily candle completes its formation. I hope this helps.
You may ignore backtest results for this scan as it is not always accurate due to multiple time frame candles used in the scan; this is because the backtest uses a higher timeframe candle that would spread for all bars within the backtested history, so as long as the higher timeframe candle is incomplete, all bars in the backtest would too change/update.
In contrast, the alerts you receive for this scan are accurate and sent instantly once any stock matches all scan criteria as long as the lowest time frame in the scan and the alert time are the same.
in an intr day chart how can I compare latest 5 minutes candle with any previous candle of that day
We have created the scan. Kindly review.
Note: Please refer to the title of the above scan. For the previous day’s second last candle you can use the offset [=-2].
For a lot of times even after the market is closed and backtested results are collected, next day either the stock gets disappeared from the previous day list but it still stays in the csv file that is downloaded. Also, have noticed stocks getting added in the list. Can you help me?
my scanner link is -
please reply as soon as possible
thank you!
Hello Hasan,
Thank you for reaching out. The reason you see this is because your scan is using the weekly and monthly timeframes and you are running the scan in between the week/month. This will cause the scan to show you results based on an incomplete weekly/monthly candle. The results in the backtest will continue to repaint/update until the weekly and monthly candle completes its formation. I hope this helps.
hi, i have a scanner but i only want a stock which comes in moring between 9:15 t0 9:20 i dont want for whole day stock ,, can you help me with this.
We have created the scan. Kindly review.
Note: you can add the conditions of the above scan in your scan as it is for the desired results.
I created the below scan to filter the stocks that have market cap greater than 4000 crores (40 billion).
But, the results shows few stocks whose market cap is less then 4000 crores. For ex, GIPCL (3600 crores) and TFCILTD (1600 crores).
Please help to refine the results.
This can be done with the help of a custom indicator/formula. Here is an example scan for your reference:
Note: The Market cap field is normalized. So the number 100 against that field would be 100 crore.
To use this custom indicator, you can “Copy scan” scan & make changes. You can view the logic of the custom indicator by clicking on the purple sign(>>) next to the indicator.
Also, you can create your own custom indicator by copying/pasting the logic from the indicator shared here
Once you create your custom indicator, it should be visible in the dropdown list under “derived/custom indicators”. Here is a short video on how this can be done.:
This is my scanner,
( {57960} ( monthly close > 1 month ago high and 1 month ago close 1 week ago high and 1 week ago close latest ema ( latest close , 4 ) and 1 day ago close <= 1 day ago ema ( latest close , 4 ) ) )
I expect this to list all the stocks which meet the criteria. But most stocks only appear in the backtest and I never get a chance to verify it in real time.
How can I improve it, I want to see the stocks which meet the criteria on monthly, weekly and then daily time frame.
1) Thank you for reaching out. The reason you see this is because your scan is using the weekly and monthly timeframes and you are running the scan in between the week/month. This will cause the scan to show you results based on an incomplete weekly/monthly candle. The results in the backtest will continue to repaint/update until the weekly and monthly candle completes its formation. I hope this helps.
2) That is the reason you may ignore backtest results for this scan as it is not always accurate due to multiple time frame candles used in the scan; this is because the backtest uses 2 different timeframes & a higher timeframe candle that would spread against all bars(lower timeframe) within the backtested history, so as long as the higher timeframe candle is incomplete, all bars in the backtest would too change/update.
3) In contrast, the results you receive for this scan are accurate and sent instantly once any stock matches all scan criteria.
since last two days I am not able to see any chart of back tested data of my scanners.please give solution as earlier as possible
Please share the link to the scan to this email:
Hi every one
Ii face problem with back testing hen i back test there is showing only date not time how I can see date and time please suggest me.
The backtest results would reflect the time only if your scan condition contains intraday timeframes. If your scan only uses the “daily” timeframe, your backtest results would only show the backtest bars in “days”.
In order to view the time, you could add intraday conditions as well within your scan.
I hope this helps.
When I scan the below scanner, the excel sheet shows first signal at : 12/04/2024 14:00 ORIENTELEC Smallcap FMCG; while the chart shows first signal on 12th April – 9.30 a.m.!!
This being an intraday scanner, still it is showing error. link shared.
1) Thank you for reaching out. The reason you see this is because your scan is using the daily and intraday timeframes and you are running the scan in between the daily. This will cause the scan to show you results based on an incomplete daily candle. The results in the backtest will continue to repaint/update until the daily candle completes its formation. I hope this helps.
2) That is the reason you may ignore backtest results for this scan as it is not always accurate due to multiple time frame candles used in the scan; this is because the backtest uses 2 different timeframes & a higher timeframe candle that would spread against all bars(lower timeframe) within the backtested history, so as long as the higher timeframe candle is incomplete, all bars in the backtest would too change/update.
3) In contrast, the alerts you receive for this scan are accurate and sent instantly once any stock matches all scan criteria.
4) We reviewed your scanners and noticed you are using a volume greater than 200000. The volume conditions take time to fulfill, so that it may delay getting an alert.
ok sir
Here is more on the backtest:
Apologies, but I’m afraid that your message isn’t entirely clear. Could you please provide more details on what you are referring to? It would be helpful if you could share an example image for reference purposes. This way, we can better understand your request and resolve it.
Make sure to add the screenshot and sent it to this email ID:
hi, vikas this side, i am a frequent user of ChartInk , I am also facing the above screener problem,
in this dated 14-6-2024, the screener showed Sbi life insurance, where as on back testing trading day it shows CRAFTsMAN on the same date – 14-6-24.
kindly correct , where am i doing it wrong.
1) Thank you for reaching out. The reason you see this is because your scan is using the weekly and monthly timeframes and you are running the scan in between the week/month. This will cause the scan to show you results based on an incomplete weekly/monthly candle. The results in the backtest will continue to repaint/update until the weekly and monthly candle completes its formation. I hope this helps.
2) That is the reason you may ignore backtest results for this scan as it is not always accurate due to multiple time frame candles used in the scan; this is because the backtest uses 2 different timeframes & a higher timeframe candle that would spread against all bars(lower timeframe) within the backtested history, so as long as the higher timeframe candle is incomplete, all bars in the backtest would too change/update.
3) In contrast, the alerts you receive for this scan are accurate and sent instantly once any stock matches all scan criteria.
This shouldn’t happen, unless there’s a bigger timeframe, like weekly/monthly that covers/spreads across all the day’s from that given month/week. Please share the scan link so that i can check
How to get the back test result on chart. Incase I change the time frame the yellow highlight, indicating the trigger candle gets disappears.
How to get it back?
Please advice
Hello Rocky, Kindly note that if you delete the ‘Scan link’ or change the timeframe on the charts, you will need to reopen the chart from that particular scanner to get it back that triggered candle.
( nifty 100 ( weekly close – weekly open > 1 and weekly open – weekly low < weekly close – weekly open / 5 and weekly high – weekly close 60 and weekly adx di positive( 14 ) > weekly adx di negative( 14 ) and weekly close > weekly open and 1 week ago close > 1 week ago open and 2 weeks ago close > 2 weeks ago open ) )
the data of 26 august keeps on chainging i want fixed data please see
Can you please share the link to the scan to this email ID:
I want some help in understanding this…I have created a sample query which showcases the problem im facing.
for this scanner, in backtest u can see that this stock is present, BHARTIARTL > Largecap >19-09-2024 12:15 pm but i didn’t get any alert for the same.
Secondly, in create scan or scanner page, this is the rule
[0] 5 minute Close crossed_above 1 day ago High
latest Close > latest Open
but when u see the rules in the dashboard, im getting like this
( nifty 500 ( [0] 5 minute close > 1 day ago high and [ -1 ] 5 minute close latest open ) )
I want to understand and [ -1 ] 5 minute close <= 2 day ago high this part as i didnt add this anywhere and its getting added automatically
To check this, we’d need to review the alert settings of this scan. Please share a screenshot of the alert settings for this scan. You can do so by opening the scan and clicking on the “modify alert” option and sharing a screenshot for the same for our reference. You can directly share the screenshot via email to “”.
To answer the 2nd query, the crossed above function is being used incorrectly here as we can’t use the crossed above function while checking 2 different timeframes.
A crossed above function checks for the latest candle to cross which means if you are checking for stocks where RSI crossed above 60. Internally it checks for the current candle’s RSI to be more than 60 and the previous candle’s RSI to be less than 60, thereby signifying a crossover.
I’ve modified the scan correctly. Here is the link for your reference –
I hope this helps.
i can not download screener !s.
previous year scan data
Hello, Please note that backtest bars are always based on the smallest time frame you choose in the scan. A bigger time frame will allow you to access more data, while a smaller time frame will limit the data you can access.
Below, I’ve included a list of scan timeframes with the corresponding maximum backtest period –
5 minutes – 3 Weeks
15 minutes – 3 months
30 minutes – 7 months
1 hour – 1 year & 4 months
Daily – 5 years.