Heikin-Ashi Candlesticks Scans & Charts are now available!

Heikin-Ashi Candlesticks are now available in our Charts & Screener. It can be added for Intraday, daily, weekly & monthly ranges.

Refer the below images on how to add them to your studies.



30 thoughts on “Heikin-Ashi Candlesticks Scans & Charts are now available!”

  1. Akash ji,

    Thanks for giving Heikin-Ashi candlesticks !!! Great work Chartink team…!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    With bottom of my heart Once again thanks to chartink website….!!!

      1. Akash Could you help in setting up one more filter with Heikin Ashi? Any sort of help would be greatly appreciated

  2. HI Akash JI,

    You guys are really awesome. Can you please let me know if i can scan ema cross over using Heikin-Ashi candles. I am looking for 20ema cross over above 50 ema in 5 mins Heikin-Ashi candles.
    Thanks again for your great work.

  3. Akash ji,

    I’m requesting to add candlestick zoom in, zoom out and to view clear past candlesticks for better learning in free/premium..

    Thank you !!!!

  4. Respected akash ji,

    When will be BSE & X group Stocks available in scan, anyhow next week i’m glad to subscribe Yearly plan !!

  5. Hi Akash / Chartink team,
    ADX, +DI & -DI scans are not working correctly. It shows results with stocks where ADX/DI values don’t match the conditions.
    Ex: https://chartink.com/screener/test-adx-di-positive-wrong-values-being-filtered

    Above scan is supposed to show stocks with +DI values between 35 and 37 on 5 min charts. But it is giving Castrolind & INDIGO as results. Both of which +DI values are less than 29 as of now (market close 13-Mar-18). Same thing happens with any TF on ADX scans.

    Please let me know if this is an error, or I am doing something wrong?

    Thank You.

  6. Excellent work by Chartink team for the scanner. If possible please add logical operators too(AND,OR,NOT)in the scanner.

  7. Hi. I am new to your website , I would like to take training n guidance from your expert . Plz help me
    Thank you

  8. Hi, Chartink team,
    I am new user I am unable to zoom the chart screen. can you help me how I can zoom it any key is there?

    Dipak Medhi

  9. Dear Akash,

    Zooming of candles are required for 1min candle. Presently 1 Minute candles cannot be watched closely.
    I am having premium membership. Please provide minimise indicator period to either 0.25 days or less from 1 day. This is very much required for 1 minute analysis. Presently candles are very close to each other and I am unable to analyse at all.


  10. I have paid for premium subscription. Chart updates are not updated lively as per my experience.
    The delay time varies from 5 min to 15 minutes.
    Which will be very difficult for intraday trading..
    Can you please explain how to overcome this issue to get lively updates.

    1. Our premium members get realtime data with updates every minute for our Charts & Scans. So if you run a scan at 9:20am for example, it would be based on the latest data until 9:19:59am and so on.. If you are facing issue with any scan, please email us at support@chartink.com and we shall be glad to review/ help

  11. How can I use indicators for heiken ashi candles .. because they perform different for normal candlesticks and for heiken ashi candles .. so how can I make scanner where indicators can work according to heiken ashi candle sticks.. pls reply asap

    1. Currently all indicator based scans are run on candlesticks. We do plan on adding HA based scans in the near term. Shall keep you posted.

  12. I want to receive alerts according to my formula. I understand that a subscription is required for alerts, but I am unable to create the formula, which is why I haven’t taken your subscription yet. If I get the formula as per my requirements, on which I can take trades, I will surely subscribe to your service. Below are the conditions for the formula I want; please create it for me, and I will definitely subscribe to your service:

    – *Supertrend Indicator (11*2) Upper Band Breakout on the First Candle*
    – *The Candle Should Be Heikin-Ashi and Should Close*
    – *Time Frame Should Be 1 Hour*
    – *The Stock Should Be in an Uptrend*

    1. Hello,

      Thank you for reaching out. A couple of things we’d like to highlight here.
      – All our indicators are currently candlestick based and not on Heikin-Ashi candles so it is not possible currently to have the Supertrend based on Heikin-Ashi candles.
      – We could create a scan for you for the Supertrend breakout on the 1st 1 hour candle.
      – Could you please confirm the logic you are using behind the upper band for Supertrend?
      Kindly share the details via email to support@chartink.com

      Looking forward to hear from you.

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