Scanner updates

We have recently released major scanner updates, the post summarizes their usage & benefits:

  1. Drag and Drop filters across groups or re-arrange them across the scan
  2. Duplicate group or a single filter
  3. Copy the filter to clipboard
  4. Count & Countstreak functions
  5. Least & Greatest functions
    1. Drag and Drop filters across groups or re-arrange them across the scan -> Allows to you drag and drop across different groups to make re-oraganinzing a scanner, press left mouse button and drag/move your while the button is pressed to move the filters, sample video below,
    2. Duplicate group or a single filter -> Duplicate a filter or a group by clicking on the copy icon as seen below
    3. Copy the filter to clipboard -> Copy filter text to clipboard by clicking on the “word” icon, as seen below
    4. Count & Countstreak functions -> Helps you to count the total number of times a given filter in the past candles
      Count eg: ->Filter “Latest count( 50, 1 where latest close > latest upper bollinger band ( 20 , 2 ) ) greater than equal to 2” will return all stocks that have closed above the upper bollinger band for 2 or more days in the past 50 days

      Countstreak eg: -> Filter “Latest countstreak( 20, 1 where latest close > latest sma ( latest close , 200 ) )greater than equal to 10” will return all stocks that have continesouly(in a streak) closed above its 200 SMA for the past 10 or more candles(daily timeframe)

    5. Least & Greatest functions -> Helps to get the greatest or the least of a given set of filters
      eg: greatest( Latest Open, Latest Close ) will return the greatest value from either the open or the close

We hope these additional features will further simply your scanner creation. If you do have any queries please feel free to leave a comment here or reach us at [email protected]


195 thoughts on “Scanner updates”

    1. @chartink support team. Great Developments!
      Please explain what are “SYMBOL”, “MARKETCAPNAME”, “INDUSTRY”. can we run scans on one or 2 symbols using “SYMBOL”?
      (unlike Watchlist, where we need to add specific signals to watchlist and cannot run mutliple scans in multiple watchlists. It is the limitation of Watchlist)
      Does “SYMBOL” perform the scans for specific signals, mutliple scans and multiple symbols?
      please explain!

        1. Please make a video, how to use “SYMBOL”, “MARKETCAPNAME”, “INDUSTRY” field in Atlas dashboard scanner.

  1. Great features
    Congratulations to all Chatink team for their efforts and new ideas implementation .

    Kindly request please start scanner for commodity and currency segment

  2. Great job … Most expected from day one i have registered “copying filters and group” thanks for your wonderful effort and congrats for further growth..

  3. Hi Team,
    It has been a great pleasure to have a scanner website like CHARTINK. Indeed you guys are going great and your website helps so many traders and investors with a very reasonable price . keep up the good work.
    Your client..

  4. SIR ” Count & Countstreak functions” & “Least & Greatest functions” in Function ka use kis tarah kiya ja sakata hai.
    explain kijiega

    1. Hello,
      Hope this helps:
      Count & Countstreak functions -> Helps you to count the total number of times a given filter in the past candles
      Count eg: ->Filter “Latest count( 50, 1 where latest close > latest upper bollinger band ( 20 , 2 ) ) greater than equal to 2” will return all stocks that have closed above the upper bollinger band for 2 or more days in the past 50 days

      Countstreak eg: -> Filter “Latest countstreak( 20, 1 where latest close > latest sma ( latest close , 200 ) )greater than equal to 10” will return all stocks that have continesouly(in a streak) closed above its 200 SMA for the past 10 or more candles(daily timeframe)
      Least & Greatest functions -> Helps to get the greatest or the least of a given set of filters
      eg: greatest( Latest Open, Latest Close ) will return the greatest value from either the open or the close

  5. RUN SCAN button is not functioning, not able to scan any of the criterion/filters particularly after 23-Feb updates, earlier it was working fine. What could be the issue, and by when it would be resolved, any help would appreciated.

      1. Awesome, it’s working now. Thanks for responding and addressing the issue in quick time, you guys are doing fantastic job. Keep it up.

  6. Thank you for continuous improvement in features offered. Including commodity segment is a “major” ask from many customers. Hope it’ll be addressed soon.

  7. Sir, I am new subscriber to you but do not know your sites use for my trade. can somebody guide me for scanner alerts, creating my own watch list and adding study of my choice.
    Are there any buy and sell signals will be available to me over mobile through messages ? Please clarify.

    I shall highly be comfortable if I can make my trade more profitable from now and on ward.

    1. Sure, running scans on a watchlist is currently a premium membership feature. You may create a watchlist here:

      You can get alerts via SMS, email or browser notifications.

      You may view tutorials on scans and alerts here:
      You can also start by reviewing out top scans here:

      They contain the top 10 scans used for Intraday/Swing & short term trading


    1. Currently we support only NSE cash stocks and indices. We do plan on adding others in the future. Shall keep you posted. We have added a segment filter that can be modified in the top-most filter that scans stocks that are in the F&O segment

  9. Dear Chartlink,

    I would like to know is there any other way to add stocks in watchlist, apart from selecting one by one. i need to add in my watchlist, those stocks that are filtered after running a particular scan. Is there any easy way to add all stocks at one go?

    thanks in advance

    1. Hello,
      We do plan on adding the feature of bulk upload soon. Shall keep you posted. For now if its a one time job, you may email us an excel with with NSE codes in the same and we shall have it uploaded from the back-end.

    Promoter holding
    return on equity
    Industry PE
    Sales Growth (1Yrs)(3Yrs)(5Yrs)
    PEG Ratio

    fundamental’s me ye add ho sakte hai??

  11. Thanks for your such nice work .

    Today i.e. on 29 th Feb 2020 at 14.45 hrs I have ran few queries
    but , but the Week End / Month End Price is not Reflecting in any stock chart YET .

    Can you say , when the updation is taking effect on charts and then after i should run the query.
    Thanks and Regards ,
    Vakharia M J

  12. I am using chartink from Kuwait. I am not getting any of your scan results in home page and I can not scan any for last one week in my computer. how can I solve this.

    1. Hello, can you please let us know the browser you are using? Can you please try in Google chrome or any latest browser

    1. Hello, can you please let us know the browser you are using? Can you please try in Google chrome or any latest browser

    1. You may view tutorials on scans and alerts here:
      You can also start by reviewing out top scans here:

      They contain the top 10 scans used for Intraday/Swing & short term trading

      If you need help in creating a scan, please share your requirements at [email protected], we shall create the same for you. 

  13. Hi Akash,
    i wish to know in a dashboard scanner how many coloum can be added.
    can i make to separate dashboard
    1 for bullish stock
    2 for bearish stock.
    in a dashboard downtreand share list fiqure can be shown in colour in Red or in any other colour.
    while scrolling the nifty 50 list, when it reach the end , it scroll the page also. can we stop scrolling it.
    and in last why dont u make some “bot” like many other “bot” T View we can place the order with some broker, whole already list of people can be ur client . please think.
    thanks in advance.

    1. Hello,
      Currently we cannot edit the results page of the scan. It has pre-defined columns. We can edit and add/ remove columns in Atlas dashboard. Thank you for your suggestions. Shall surely get with the team on the same.

  14. The best feature addition is the copy & paste option. This simplifies copying blocks, inserting lines between existing filters. Have been waiting or this!
    Thank you ChartInk team!

  15. request you to not limit Backtesting feature to Scanning only but for also to determine whether strategy is profitable or not by introducing buy and sell Signal.

  16. Team Cahrtink ,
    with due respect , what will be the your policy in case i subscribe and my internet is out of order
    because of internet providers fault and in unavoidable situation . like lock-down and no one comes personally to repair for a period of 20 days or more ?
    will my subscription get extension or not ?

    1. Hello,
      Currently there is nothing much we could incase your internet turns out of order. as exchange charges high fees for realtime data, also we are dependent on third party services for SMS & Email used in our Alerts. Considering this, we allow full access to our charts & scans for free with delayed data.

      If there is an issue from our side, we shall surely extend your service accordingly.

  17. Hello,
    You people are doing great job. kudos!
    I need a help to find stocks which are less than 5 years old. I used count filter but I didn’t get the required result.
    Please help me!

    1. Thank you for your kind comments. Currently such a scan is not possible. We can check for stocks at 5 year high/ low, but again, all stocks with data for 5 years would display.

  18. Hi friends,
    I am new to this website and also new to stocks and technical analysis. please suggest me where to start. is there any help guide for new users? hope you guys respond and give some advice. Thanks.

  19. Hi

    The following scan is not giving the right results ..

    * Essentially am trying to Scan stocks that have given 40 closes between Pivot Point and Pivot Support S1 over a Day (78 Candles) ..

    ( [0] 5 minute count( 78, 1 where [0] 5 minute close > latest “( (1 candle ago high + 1 candle ago low + 1 candle ago close / 3 ) * 2 – 1 candle ago high)” ) >= 40


    [0] 5 minute count( 78, 1 where [0] 5 minute close = 40 ) )

      1. Yes please, As mentioned above, Could you help me in creating a Scan that selects stocks that have given 50 closes between Pivot Point and Pivot Support S1

    1. Try this as I removed the syntax errors. ( [0] 5 minute count( 78, 1 where [0] 5 minute close > latest ( (1 candle ago high + 1 candle ago low + 1 candle ago close) / 3 * 2 – 1 candle ago high ) ) >= 40


      [0] 5 minute count( 78, 1 where [0] 5 minute close = 40 )

      1. Hello Amandeep, Apologies, but I’m afraid that your message isn’t entirely clear. Could you please provide more details on what you are referring to? It would be helpful if you could share an example image for reference purposes. This way, we can better understand your request and create a scan that meets your requirements

        Please share these details on ‘[email protected]

  20. Positive Volume Index & Negative Volume Index
    As far as i know PVI or NVI is not available for scan. Can you please help to develop one.

    Both indicators are calculated by comparing today’s volume to the previous day’s volume:

    Starting with a base of 100 for PVI and NVI:
    TC = Today’s close
    YC = Yesterday’s close

    If today’s volume is greater than yesterday’s volume:

    PVI = yesterday’s PVI + (((TC – YC) / YC) * yesterday’s PVI)
    NVI = yesterday’s NVI

    If today’s volume is less than yesterday’s volume:

    NVI = yesterday’s NVI + (((TC – YC) / YC) * yesterday’s NVI)
    PVI = yesterday’s PVI

    If today’s volume equals yesterday’s volume:

    PVI = yesterday’s PVI
    NVI = yesterday’s NVI


        1. The formula for Yesterday’s PVI was not specified anywhere. But Chartink provides PVI indicator with the INK CHART. Hope you can adapt it. Thanks.

  21. Hello
    How to find stocks which dont exist 2 years back or 1 year back etc..

    Means…. stocks which are listed in matket just 2 years back or 1 year back etc…

  22. in count function we will give the number as fixed, like count(50 filter) , i want this number to calculate for current day only on 5time frame.
    suppose if crossover happening at 10:00 a.m then we need to count ~10 candles.
    if crossover happening at 2p.m then number goes to ~50candles.
    how to derive this number.

  23. can you share the query to calculate the low of last candle that crossed 20ema on daily timeframe.

  24. dear all
    how to meet condition with candle stick GREEN CROSSED BELOW RED CANDLE

    15 mins open less than 15 mins close crossed below 15 mins open greater than 15 mins close
    PLEASE HELP ME AT mrrao99

  25. Dear Support team,
    gratefully hoping to receive code for the below condition (either through ‘count’ or ‘countstreak’):

    (i) 4 consecutive DAILY candles to be +ve candles (Close > Open all 4 candles).
    Eg: 22, 23, 26 and 27 April 2021 Daily candles of NSE:SUNFLAG (Indian market).

    (ii) Those identified 4 DAILY candles to contain at least 6 candles (4Hr) to be +ve (Close > Open).
    Eg: 6 candles (4Hr) found from 22, 23, 26 and 27 April 2021 Daily candles.

    4 Daily candles to be identified FROM 25 candles range.

    Let us consider today as scanning day (‘Run Scan’ – CharInk) 25th May 2021.
    From today until then day 16th April (25 days range), conditions (i) and (ii) to be scanned and this SUNFLAG scrip needed to be found.

    Likewise, scrips which succeed conditions (i) and (ii) (under 25 days range condition) to be displayed in the ‘Run Scan’.

    Help appreciated and thanks.

      1. Great, appreciate your help and response dear ChartInk support team, kudos.

        May I get to have the past occurrence (not the recent occurrence which scanner shows)?

        I mean, if I scan today, NSE:SUNFLAG and related scrips to be shown (which the conditions taken to be met in the past days).

        Thanks for your help and patience.

      2. Scanner scans the last 4 DAILY candles [but Condition (i) to be scanned from current candle until last and past 25 candles => result may show last 4 candles OR last week’s 4 candles OR two week’s 4 candles like Mon, Tues, Wed, Thursday candles].

        This was the given one (sharing below for reference):

        Query was this:

        Condition (ii) to be filtered from Condition (i):

        Query was this:
        < Open).
        Eg: 6 candles (4Hr) found from 22, 23, 26 and 27 April 2021 Daily candles.

        I mean, if the 4 candles were from last week’s candles then those 4 candles to be scanned for 6 – 4Hr candles.

        Could you still please help..


      3. Scanner scans the last 4 DAILY candles [but Condition (i) to be scanned from current candle until last and past 25 candles => result may show last 4 candles OR last week’s 4 candles OR two week’s 4 candles like Mon, Tues, Wed, Thursday candles].

        This was the given one (sharing below for reference):
        Query was this:
        4 Daily candles to be identified FROM 25 candles range.

        Condition (ii) to be filtered from Condition (i):
        Query was this:
        (ii) Those identified 4 DAILY candles to contain at least 6 candles (4Hr) to be +ve (Close > Open).
        Eg: 6 candles (4Hr) found from 22, 23, 26 and 27 April 2021 Daily candles.

        I mean, if the 4 candles were from last week’s candles then those 4 candles to be scanned for 6 – 4Hr candles.

        Could you still please help..


        Apologies for re-post (text corrupted hence re-posted).

  26. Hi ChartInk Support team,
    need a scanner to scan scrips having 3 consecutive higher Closes than prior candles’ Close price.

    For instance (Hourly basis):
    [12.15PM -> 1 Hr] CLOSE > [11.15PM -> 1 Hr] CLOSE
    [11.15PM -> 1 Hr] CLOSE > [10.15PM -> 1 Hr] CLOSE
    [10.15PM -> 1 Hr] CLOSE > [9.15PM -> 1 Hr] CLOSE

    Consider today as Friday, when scanned, passed scrips to be displayed (for the past 3 days).

    That is, if a scrip is found to be passed either on one of the days -> Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it has to be displayed.


      1. For your kind info (,
        this was the query:
        Consider today as Friday, when scanned, passed scrips to be displayed (for the past 3 days).

        That is, if a scrip is found to be passed either on one of the days -> Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it has to be displayed.
        Scan should not be stopped with Friday scrips alone (scrips found on Thursday or Wednesday to be displayed too).

        Help appreciated.

  27. Hi ChartInk Support team,
    when I use ‘Yearly High’ command and do some workarounds, I get unexpected results.

    For instance:
    Current Year High of NSE:MANINDS, as of 28/06/2021, is 117.40.

    When below code is being run, NSE:MANINDS shows-up:

    As per charts, ‘Current Yeah High’ is 117.40 but value taken was to be between 107.90 and 107.95 (numbers manually hardcoded and tested).
    Filter did show NSE:MANINDS (actual and correct current running year high is 117.40 as of 28/06/2021).

    FYI 107.95 is not Running Year High but 117.40 (why 107.. considered as Yearly High instead of 117.40??). Candle to be perfectly closed to get right value? (I mean, Year has to be complete to get right values?)?

    Note: 107.95 found to be previous ‘May’ month’s HIGH (current running month is June).
    Please correct me, if I’m wrong.

    I need right code filter to get correct running year high scrips for further workouts.


    1. Also FYI, the screener results are NOT STABLE; improper output list gets shown. Once shown not shown again (otherwise else shows ‘No stocks filtered in the Scan’).

      Help me to get right output for Yearly High parameter (pointing to current running Year’s HIGH value -> Starting from 1st Jan until running day of 2021 (HIGH value of the Year))!

        1. Certainly this was not the expected code (your shared code filters scrips which attained Yearly High today)!
          But, I expect a scanner (I workout this condition in my strategy) to filter scrips which hover around 10% region from current yearly high (hence ‘Yearly High’ is required).

          For instance:
          Current Yearly High – 100 (10% region -> 90; hence stocks trading between 90 and 100 to be shown)
          XYZ Stock trading at 94 (this to be shown)

          Current Yearly High – 200 (10% region -> 180; hence stocks trading between 180 and 200 to be shown)
          ABC Stock trading at 178 (this not to be shown)

          Why ‘Yearly High’ does not work as expected, correct me if I’m wrong?

    1. Request to help, please. This is the 2nd instance reminding and requesting for help. Yet to resolve!

  28. Please make a video example to explain about.
    Conter, counterstreak, greatest, least
    Scanner item.
    I am unable to understand it

  29. Hi, suppose there was a big green or red candle formed on monday, then if i am scanning the stocks on friday, I want to scan stocks that did not cross the high and low of monday candle and are in the range of the monday candle till friday. How do I do this?

  30. Countstreak eg: -> Filter “Latest countstreak( 20, 1 where latest close > latest sma ( latest close , 200 ) )greater than equal to 10” will return all stocks that have continuously(in a streak) closed above its 200 SMA for the past 10 or more candles(daily time-frame)

    In the above “Countstreak ” example, what does “20” in the bracket do ?
    Nothing in the result is mentioned about 20? So how does that number affect the result?
    I need this scan: EMA 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15 above EMA 30 for last 100 bars.

    Kindly help.

      1. Sure, how can I get a list of stocks who has combination of this two,

        if weekly change < 0, then volume 0, then volume > 10-wk average volume

        For last 4-6 weeks.

        Thank you,

      2. My previous comment got truncated somehow. Adding again,

        if weekly change < 0, then volume 0, then volume > 10-wk average volume

        For last 6 weeks.

        Thank you,

      3. My apologies I am not spamming. Request to delete previous 3 replies as they got messed up. It seems some special character is creating problem, so I will try to explain in words

        Percentage change is negative and volume is less than average 10 week volume

        Can I do this?

          1. Thanks but I want this as a countstreak function satisfying same criteria for each of last 4 weeks

            Thank you

          2. I don’t see any change in updated scan. Can you check? I want to see the stocks fulfilling the condition for previous 4 consecutive weeks.

            Thank you.

  31. I would like to create a scan on a specific stock to check if the RSI 14 in 5 minutes time frame is between the range of 30 and 35
    Can you please let me know if it is possible to create a scan on a specific stock

  32. Hello,

    Nice to scan stocks.

    Count and countsteak is working nice on the past candles.

    Any function available to scan for current running candles??

    example scan 25 candles from the day first candles.(when running live market even if 12 candles are printed the count has to go on still 25th candle.)

      1. thanks for your response.

        post market we can find.

        But in live market in atlas dashboard, we can not find the number of positive candles.

        for example below scan in atlas dashboard if market is running in the morning at 6th candle of 3 min candle, the below scan is not show results. if completes 10th candle results are showing.

        [=10] 3 minute count( 10, 1 where ( ( [0] 3 minute close – [0] 3 minute open ) / [0] 3 minute open * 100 ) >= 0.2 ) as ‘115’

        I look forward to see on the live candles before it completes 9th or 10th 3 min candles.

  33. Dear Chartink Team

    good morning

    How can be get value of open RSI.
    because RSI provide data only on closing value.

    can it be developed in custom indicator.

    if any code available please provide .



  34. Hi Chartink Team,
    My query is that, Count 12 Candle out of 15 candle, current Close should be Greater than previous candle’s close.

    1. Hello,

      Please note we do not provide any recommendations for scans or stocks here. We only provide a platform where traders can create scans and dashboards based on their strategy and filter out stocks that meet specific criteria.

      You can start by reviewing our top scans here:

      They contain the top 10 scans for Intraday/Swing & short-term trading. These are sorted by “most loved” by our members.

      Please note, Entry and Exit are totally up to you and your careful observations. We currently support only NSE cash stocks and indices; we have created a segment group named ‘futures’ to scan stocks traded in the F&O group. If you select futures, scanning will be done based on cash stock prices/ values.

  35. hi support team
    i want to build a strategy on fibonacci
    I used Max and Min function to get the fibonacci range
    Please suggest how can i I get CANDLE NUMBER which return Max value of candle high or Min value of candle low
    I used this condition
    latest Close crossed_above ( ( latest Max ( 150 , latest High ) – latest Min ( 150 , latest Low ) ) * 0.236 + latest Min ( 150 , latest Low ) )

    1. Hello,

      Here we assume you wish to know the candle number which fulfilled the above condition after the start of maximum high.

      Note: The above dashboard will show you how many candle ago there was a high/low. Not all the stocks in the above dashboard will show you the accurate values but close to it.

      1. hi team
        i want candle count from latest candle to max(150,high)
        and candle count from latest candle to min(150,low)
        this might help me to ceate strategy for fibonacci retracement

        1. Hello,

          The dashboard will show you the count of candle from the latest to max (150, high)/min(150, low). For the second query about retracement, please share the sample chart image at this email ID
          [email protected]
          So we can create the scan for the same.

      2. thanks for your response, as i want the above candle count in ascanner for fibonacci retracement. please provide syntax for scanner. as you have provoided atlas widget.
        thank you

        1. Hello,

          ​​​​​​​Sorry, but your query is not very clear. Could you please elaborate more on the same and, if possible, share a sample chart image for reference?

    1. Hello,

      Currently, we are working on our charts. We do not want to rush things, and give our users the inaccurate results. That is the reason we are not rushing for the US market.

  36. can we find the open and close price of a highest volume of last 30 days with some function?
    we can find this by checking one by one day that i know.

  37. Hello Friends!
    Kindly provide Indicator “Relative Strength” for comparison of strength of a Stock against Nifty or a Sector or another Stock etc.


    1. Hello,

      This can be done with the help of a custom indicator/formula. Here is an example scan for your reference:


      Note: We do not have the feature for the RELATIVE STRENGHT, so you have to change the NIFTY’S values on regular intervals for the accurate results.

      To use this custom indicator, you can “Copy scan” scan & make changes. You can view the logic of the custom indicator by clicking on the purple sign(>>) next to the indicator.

      Also, you can create your own custom indicator by copying/pasting the logic from the indicator shared here

      Once you create your custom indicator, it should be visible in the dropdown list under “derived/custom indicators”. Here is a short video on how this can be done.:

  38. Can you help me understand how I can check if 52Wk high was older than the 52Wk low.
    I want to scan for stocks whose 52Wk high was older than the 52Wk low

      1. This assumes that the 52Wk high was made 100 days ago. I cannot bind the 52 wk high to specific day like 100 days (in past 1 yr).
        I simply want to check if the 52wk high happened earlier than the 52wk low

        For reference What I have tried:
        Daily Countstreak(252,Daily High Less than Daily Max(252,Daily High)) >
        Daily Countstreak(252,Daily Low Greater than Daily Min(252,Daily Low))

        Request your support

        1. Hello,

          The syntax of the scan that you have created is incorrect. As the max function does not always work when it is inside the count function. Rest assured the scan we have sent will make sure teh 52-week low was made recently and the 52-week high was made before that.

  39. It’s a great screening platform, thanks for putting this together.
    I am currently trying to screen stocks which have their 52wk low later than than their 52wk high, I am unable to figure out how to figure out date of 52wk high & 52wk low.
    My initial thought was to use countstreak (not sure though).
    would really appreciate your help on this.

  40. Its a great platform.
    In chartink dashboard-in group/sort-group column there are option like symbol, industry, sector.
    If we select industry or sectors the classification under this selection is not given properly
    Check this link
    click on detailed view
    you will see a proper classification of the sector and industry
    Please update the sector and industry properly or help me if I can do this manually.
    Is there any page in chartink where you have classified which stock comes under which Sector or Industry?

    1. Hello,

      Please note, that we do not manually do this at our end but rather get the data from our vendor, and the bifurcation would differ across vendors hence, it may not match currently with what you are verifying. This can not be done manually.

      I have forwarded your request to our team for consideration and will surely let you know if there are any updates on this.

      Thank you for your feedback. We value your patience and look forward to enhancing our service for our valuable users.

  41. Hi Team,

    My Query is, i have already added few scanners on my chartink dashboard, if i have made any changes or tweeks in any one of those scanners, there is no option to do backtest on those tweaked scanner from dashboard to check if my change / tweak has improved my efficiency or reduced it. In dashboard there is only run option available, there is no option to check backtest..So how to overcome this..

  42. How can use loop here? Like I want to check if last 100 days’ have close positive or not, how can I check?

    I use 100 separate queries.

    Is there any alternative?

    1. Hello Dev J, Apologies, but I’m afraid that your message isn’t entirely clear. Could you please provide more details on what you are referring to? It would be helpful if you could share an example image for reference purposes. This way, we can better understand your request and create a scan that meets your requirements.

      You can share these details here ‘[email protected]’.

  43. Hi,

    Can you let me know how to avoid same companies repeating again and again in intraday scanner? eg: i am a giving a condition only for 1st 5 min candle, it comes in scanner at 9:20am and it keeps on repeating same companies every 5 mins. I do not want to repeat it as the companies are same

  44. Hi,
    How can I get stocks for All time High close price without specifying maximum lookback candles. As Max function does not work if I give too high lookback count like 2000 weeks (as the stocks may not be that old).

    1. Hello Vishu, At this moment, we do not offer the feature you mentioned. Nonetheless, we are actively exploring the option of adding it along with new indicators.

      I am unable to provide a specific timeline for the addition of this feature, but I have forwarded your request to our Development team for future consideration.

      We value your patience and look forward to enhancing our service for our valuable users.

  45. Hi Team, I am looking for below scanner. plz help
    I need list of stocks on weekly basis which are retesting multi year resistance. Suppose take BEPL stock on 18th Nov 2024 low made was 116.46
    if you look at multi year resistance the previous high was around 11 oct 2021 where price is 122.01 and previous to that was on 9 April 2018 price is 120.2.
    both prices are near to the 18th nov weekly low. in this scenario there are two resistances even if there is one resistance it should be fine.
    plz help me with this.

    1. Hello,

      We have created the scan. Kindly review.

      Note that this is a pattern scan. Not all the stocks will show you the perfect pattern. Some stocks will be in the results because they are fulfilling all the scan conditions. Kindly ignore them. For the stocks which shows the pattern but are not in the scan results is because they fail to fulfill all the scan conditions.

    1. Hello, this could probably be because of a scan or an alert misconfiguration, which we could investigate and correct, Please share the following details to this email ID: [email protected]

      URL of the scan that you are referring to?
      Share a few example stocks with us for which you should have received alerts but did not get alerts for the same.
      Share a screenshot of the alert settings for your scan. You can do so by opening your scan and clicking on the “modify alert” option, and sharing a screenshot for the same here for our reference.

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