Launching Chartink Atlas

Atlas allows you to view a complete picture of the market on a single screen with auto updates. All dashboards can be customized to show information that you are most interested in, including RSI crossovers, Volume breakouts, Povit points and so on.

Features provided by atlas include:

  • Customize scan result columns, eg: Adding RSI as one of the result columns
  • Create new dashboards with custom scans/charts or tables3
  • Auto updates for premium members
  • Ability to drill down by clicking on the sector/industry or market cap names3
  • Sort scan result tables by any columns, like highest RSI, top % change, volume ..etcWe’ve created a few sample dashboards to help you monitor the markets:

* Intraday Market overview
* Volume Shockers
* Pivot points
* Daily Market overview
* Fundamental overview

Also note that you can drill down further to any of the sectors, marketcaps or indsutry by simply clicking on a bar/pie chart, eg:

We’ll soon be adding tutorials on the steps required to create your own custom scans/charts & tables for more insights on the markets.

47 thoughts on “Launching Chartink Atlas”

  1. how many stock can get added on single widget ? as I have created one widget with RSI level for all FNO stocks but it just gave details of 50 stocks .. do we have any limitation on dashboard ?

  2. While creating a widget, the system is taking the default length. I have created more columns in the dashboard I have created and I would like to increase the length of a widget to avoid scrolling the horizontal scrollbar

    How can this be done, please help.

  3. Hello,
    I am looking to develop a scanner condition that helps me find out the relative performance of a stock (parameters:= a) Reference stock/index b) period (in days or months or years or from a reference date).
    All stocks that have outperformed Nifty index (or Nifty IT) from Feb 13 2020.

    Also, I would like to use this value as one of the display columns (so I can sort). Possible?

  4. Need some tutorials or videos on how we can build dashboard e.g Market Matrix is created by you , when i click on secotr it shows stock of that sector , how we can create such dashboards

  5. Hi Chartink Team,

    When will we see backtest profitability results ?? It’s only showing the scans nor the profitability.

    Kindly look into same.

    1. Hello Ash,
      At this moment, we do not offer the feature you mentioned. Nonetheless, we are actively exploring the option of adding it along with new indicators.

      I am unable to provide a specific timeline for the addition of this feature, but I have forwarded your request to our Development team for future consideration.

      We value your patience and look forward to enhancing our service for our valuable users.

  6. Hi there. Great Dashboard. One request to add this feature like excel where we can assign box colour depending on the letters in the box. For example if number is even the box will be green coloured if not it will be red. One more, if a letter in the box greater than previous boxed (tabled) number it will be green or if a number will be greater than assigned number then it will be of any other colour. Thanks.

  7. Guys,

    Great work. Been googling but not getting anywhere and even these Q&As doesnt seem to have that.
    I want to know if you can create multiple Dashboards.


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